Thursday, 30 June 2011
55 : Replying to Emmy Azman part 2
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54 : Replying to Emmy Azman
why i can't comment your blog?? almost 2 weeks tau. i tried so hard (ecehceh) to leave a comment. but i don't know. perhaps you may check your setting and so forth. okay babe? coz blog lain boleh je i comment. it means your blog yg ade masalah sikit.
your entry about change your personality. haaaa. i do care of you. so, i search a material that can solve your problem. and me also laa. coz sometimes, it happen to me too.
awak boleh like dan komen okay =D
your entry about change your personality. haaaa. i do care of you. so, i search a material that can solve your problem. and me also laa. coz sometimes, it happen to me too.
- Understand your capabilities and strengths: Take time out to think about whom you are, what you believe in and what is important to you. Evaluate your capabilities and strengths. Decide what you want from life.
- Accept who you are: Have the courage to accept yourself as you really are even though you are not what someone else thinks or wants you to be. Believe in yourself that you are a pretty good person. You have your own talents, skills and abilities that make you extraordinary.
- Develop a sense of control: When you feel very much in control of yourself and your life, you will feel confident enough to do and say things that match with your values and aspirations. Establish a sense of direction based on your behavior and always aim at objectives.
- Do something you enjoy: Engage yourself in activities that you enjoy doing or playing like writing or painting. You can also try learning something new that you always wanted to do. Once you master things you enjoy, you will feel competent and capable.
- Relax: Learning to become more relaxed is very important in life. People who are more relaxed have fewer memory problems and are prepared to face obstacles in life. You can relax by practicing meditation techniques including Tai Chi.
- Positive people and thoughts: Surround yourself with people who are confident and caring. Wash out negative thoughts from your mind. Negative relationships drain energy from your body and create situations in which you lose your self esteem.
- Make a list of your accomplishments: Value whatever you achieve in life. An accomplishment however small it is, is still an accomplishment.
- Be true and honest to yourself: Being true to yourself means knowing exactly what you want and having a plan to achieve it. Self-confidence comes when you know that you have the capacity to get what you want in life.
- Do not fear failure: It is extremely important to remember that if you predetermine that you are bound to fail, then you will. Instead of being preoccupied with the fear of failure and loss, as most people are, concentrate on opportunity and achievement.
- Write out your thoughts: Maintain a journal and write down all things you want to do and accomplish. Take notice of day to day achievements and failures and think of possible reasons for them too. When you pen down your achievements and failures, you get into writing the thoughts that affect your self confidence throughout the day.
People are not born with good self-confidence. Most of us have to work at it. Eventually it will develop from your thinking and the things you do daily to make yourself feel good
thats all. hope you can get something from this entry =)
53 : Perosak gambar
haaa. should i called them 'perosak gambar' or you have much better word to describe them? hehehe
awak boleh like dan komen okay =D
ape la. semua dah comel².hahahahahaha |
rasanya kat blkg tu confirm tak perasan. |
tak kan pengantin ni tak perasan kot ade makhluk kat blkg tu =,=' |
hahaha.jeles kottt |
yg depan ni dah macho dah.yg blkg tu.nape dorang ni suka naked ek? |
haha kantoiiiiiii |
siapakah itu. scandal laki dia ke scandal bini dia hahahaha |
yeahhh. sedang menghayati =D |
fuhh klu aku kat tempat dorg tu mmg aku tenggelamkan si mamat ni |
yeahh aunty your dog is noty. |
perghh terbaik kuat lentang dia hahahaha |
saya tertanya², dorang ni sbnrnya perasan ke tak ade budak kecik tu? haisshhh |
olololo garang la tuuuu konon |
nak join skali kottt |
minah tu mmg rude gila okay. jeles kot dia tak dapat kawen hehehe |
yg ni mmg terbaikkkkkk. saya paling suka gambar ni heee |
52 : terbaiikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
hoooo mmg terbaiikkk dari ladang kelapa sawit. fuhhh berasap kejapppppppppp.......
awak boleh like dan komen okay =D
okay dah.
huhu. ape yg buat saya berasap sanagt ni?? ade lah satu hari dahulu kala, ade satu minah ni. hmmm. she want my fiancee so badly. even my fiancee dah lari jauh dah, but she keep trying to get closer to him. aarrrgghhhh!!!!!!
my fiancee dah tukar no fon, okay. she find him at facebook. saya terus delete dia. for a long time. eh not delete la. i block her ass out!!!!!!!! i mean i block her fb la. so she will never find my fiancee fb.
then hari tu, saya saje online fb sayang. then check setting sana. oh tgk tmpt block tu. hmmm. pempuan tu dah tukar nama dia. mungkin dia dah ade org lain and dia tak kn kacau lg kot. unblock je la.
nahh kau. bersangka baik sangat! saya tgk friend request saya ada dia!!! oh my godddddd. she still remember us. ayooo. dia nak ape. saya on fb sayang then tgk no friend request. seacrh nama dia semua. okay mmg pempuan tu tak add sayang. tapi dia add saya!!!!!
nak ditambahkan sedap cerita ni, my fiancee siap post kat wall saya, cakap tolong deletekan acc fb dia sebab dia nak buat baru.katanya rimas. huh? rimas?? nape sayang?? perempuan tu kacau balik keeeee!!!! oh my god. tapi saya dah bkk his inbox ape sume. maybe sayang dah delete kot. tak nk bagi saya sakit hati. haisshhh perempuan. kau nak ape lagi!!!!!!!!!!
please la. i'm not disturbing your life. kau kan cantik meletup macam model. go find someone else la. tolong la. aku ni tak cantik, laki aku tu je nak kat aku. please la. tolong laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
kitorang dah nak kawen. paham tak. dah nak kawen dah ni. mmg aku tahu laki aku tak kan pergi kat kau. tapi aku tak nk kau still kacau dia. nnti aku mengamuk, aku gado dgn laki aku. nnti gado masam muka. ayoooooo.
please people, dont be the third person! it hurt so much!!!!
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
51 : oh i'm done!
i'm done with burdening other people.
i'm done with depending on other people.
i'm done with trusting other people.
i'm done with being so nice to bad people.
i'm done with critical thinking.
i'm done with pretending i like you.
i'm done with acting ''i'm cool with that''
i'm done with pretending busy when you walk beside me.
i'm done with being a soft-spoken
i'm done with listening to craps comment from craps people.
i'm done with anything.
don't ask me why im being like this like that.
it is not your business.
it is my life.
it is mine.
you go find other business to fill your time.
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
50 : Agak² berapa umur dia ni?
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haaa dia ni? rasa² umur dia bape?? |
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ni masa 15 tahun dahulu |
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ni gmbar dia lately |
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without make-up. |
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dia belah kiri. belah kanan anak dia |
berape umur dia? berapa cepat cepat tekaaa!!!!!!
umur diaaa...
jeng jeng jengg
she is 41 years old
48 : Make-up make you totally damn different!!!!!
gilaaaaa laaaaaa. bapak lain gila muka girl ni after make-up.!!!! how come!!!! haha.
awak boleh like dan komen okay =D
47 : jsut for fun
utk hilangkan stress saya yg ade banyak keje ni hehehehe.
awak boleh like dan komen okay =D
this girl is so skinny!!!!!!
mak iiii
slumber je kan XD
yg ni sumpah aku tak kn naik. dah la gayat huhu gerrrruuunnn.
hee comel je dia mabuk
i was LOL!!!!! XD
berani mati budak ni
jgn tdo cam ni kat public =D
kat mane ye ni? nak pegi ohhhh.
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